Our Work On Race

Through openness, transparency, and democracy, we aim to create a vibrant and dynamic organisation to address the longstanding issues around institutional racism in Nottingham.

We worked with partners across the city to establish The Race Equality Justice Council Nottingham (REJCN) which brings people together from different communities, generations, genders, and backgrounds.

Through openness, transparency, and democracy we aim to create a vibrant and dynamic organisation to address the longstanding issues around institutional racism in Nottingham.

The past few years have shown the severe impact our communities suffer from the enduring double bind of class and race. But we should note that it has also shown us the importance of not leaving our communities in limbo.

With many agencies closed and few resources to assist, we have been helping communities tackle issues around loneliness, debt, poverty, education, benefits, housing, policing, and immigration.

Our Work Race